Community gathers for Movie in the Park
- August, 2024

By Sean Delaney
On June 28th, Joseph Bannon Park in Emery was buzzing with laughter, joy, and community spirit as families and friends gathered for a special Movie in the Park event. The main attraction was Disney Pixar’s charming film, Elemental, which delighted audiences of all ages under the n...
BIA awards scholarships for Environmental Stewardship 2024
- August, 2024

By Sean Delaney
The Emery Village BIA has once again shown its commitment to youth and the environment by awarding scholarships in 2024. These scholarships recognize outstanding student achievement from local high schools and highlight the importance of addressing climate change and its impact on...
Emery Village BIA executive director’s message - May 2024
- June, 2024
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message
As classes come to an end and summer right around the corner, we are pleased to announce
the Emery Village BIA will soon be throwing our t at Joseph
Bannon park on June 28th, 2024 (Rain date: June 29th) at 5pm (movie to start at dusk). Bring
Executive Director’s message - March 2024
- April, 2024
Emery Village BIA’s Executive Director’s message
As we start to embrace the coming spring season, it’s with great excitement that we announce some fantastic opportunities and updates for our Emery Village businesses and residents.
Firstly, mark your calendars for Thursday, April 18th, as the Emery...
It’s full speed ahead for the Emery Village BIA in 2024 , another exciting year of progress
- March, 2024
It’s full speed ahead for the Emery Village BIA in 2024 , another exciting year of progress
By Sean Delaney
On Wednesday, January 10th, the Emery Village BIA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) once again for its members via an online Zoom format.
BIA Executive Director Sandra Farina said, ...
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - December 2023
- January, 2024

Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message
As we step into 2024, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the Emery Village BIA’s annual Holiday Toy and Food Drive in partnership with 31 Division, Weston Emergency Support & Food Bank, and North York Harvest F...
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - October 2023
- November, 2023
Emery Village BIA
Executive Director’s message
With November soon approaching this gives us an opportunity to reflect and show our gratitude for the sacrifices of all the brave men and women who were away from their families and fought in the wars for our freedom and to serve our country.
We must...
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - June 2023
- July, 2023

Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message
The Emery BIA always strives to get notices on events and other important information out to our community in different ways, through social media, and our Emery Village Voice newspaper. Please follow us on both Facebook and Instagram to keep up to...
Executive Director’s message - April 2023
- May, 2023

Executive Director’s message
With spring in full swing and the crocuses in full bloom, tulips starting to sprout and grass slowly showing signs of life, we finally find ourselves wanting to be outdoors again We crave longer walks and stopping to say hello to the neighbours we have not seen all wi...
Emery BIA holds AGM
- February, 2023

By Sean Delaney
On Monday, January 9th, the Emery Village BIA held a virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM).
“This is our once-a-year opportunity to share our year in review, present the planned budget for approval, and preview the activities and programs for this new and challenging year,” said B...
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - November 2022
- December, 2022

Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message
Thank you to everyone who came out to our first in-person Remembrance Day ceremony and celebration after two years of COVID-19 restrictions. We had a great turnout at Joseph Bannon Park with many guest speakers who paid tribute to our fallen soldiers...
Emery Village BIA Executive Director’s message - October 2022
- November, 2022

This Remembrance Day, Emery Village BIA will carry on our tradition of hosting a gathering and wreath laying ceremony in honour of our fallen soldiers and veterans, and in memory of Joseph Bannon. The ceremony will be held at Joseph Bannon Park - 65 Mary Chapman Boulevard – on Friday, November 11, 2...
Executive Director’s message - January 2022
- February, 2022

Emery Village BIA
Executive Director’s message
This year has seen one of the largest snowfalls since 1965 and we were very happy to see the community come together to help clear the walkways. We are particularly grateful to the young teenagers and adults who came out to help the senior citizens ...
Another successful Emery Village food and toy drive
- January, 2022

By Sean Delaney
Putting a smile on a child’s face is important this time of year.
Thankfully, numerous local businesses help contribute to the many community toy and food drives. The wish is that all children experience the wonder and joy of receiving a gift, and families can celebrate the festiv...
Wishing a safe and happy holiday
- December, 2021

Executive Director’s message
Wishing a safe and happy holiday
From everyone at Emery Village BIA, we hope you and your families have a safe and happy start to the holiday season. Although things have been different in the community this year because of continued COVID-19 restrictions, we hope to ...
Emery BIA mobile vaccination option for businesses
- October, 2021

By Sean Delaney
The Emery Village BIA, with the support of Toronto Public Health, is working to bring Mobile Vaccination Clinics to the doorstep of Emery Businesses and their employees.
The clinics will be offered between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., and if needed, extended hours for night sh...
Congratulations to the 2021 Emery Village BIA scholarship recipients
- July, 2021

By Sean Delaney
Two years ago, the Emery Village BIA Board of Management approved scholarships to help recognize outstanding students from local high schools in Emery Village and the adjacent school district in skilled trades categories.
Both Emery Collegiate and Westview Centennial High Schoo...
Emery Village BIA - June 2021
- July, 2021

Emery Village BIA
Executive Director's message
Emery Village BIA would like to wish all graduates of the 2021 class warm congratulations. Despite all of the challenges you faced this year, your hard work has paid off and we wish you continued success.
Thank you to everyone who signed up for a ...
Emery Village BIA - March 2021
- April, 2021

Executive Director's Message
The Government of Canada has begun rolling out the vaccination process for high priority groups.
Those who meet the criteria for vaccinations can now start pre-registering and registering to get vaccinated at Humber River Hospital’s COVax Clinic.
The eligibility r...
Emery Village BIA Executive Director's Message - Feb 2021
- March, 2021

The Province of Ontario has been in lockdown for the majority of February, and it is essential to keep following stay-at-home orders during this time.
On our social media and website, we have posted a number of webinar and learning opportunities to help businesses adjust and grow during this time....
Zooming in on the Emery Village BIA’s AGM
- February, 2021

By Sean Delaney
On Tuesday, January 11, the Emery Village BIA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM).
This year was the first time in its history that the AGM was held virtually.
“It is unfortunate that like many organizations and workplaces under COVID-19 restrictions, we cannot gather in place,...
Working together for a better community
- February, 2020

By Sean Delaney
The Emery Village BIA recently held its 17th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Jan. 15 at the Magnolia Event Boutique at 5511 Steeles Avenue W.
The meeting was an opportunity for members to review the events, activities and achievements of the past year along with presenting the...
The fifth annual Emery Charity Venetian Ball
- November, 2019

By Sean Delaney
On Friday, Oct.25 the fifth annual Emery Charity Venetian Ball returned to the Fontana Primavera Banquet Hall. In attendance were more than 350 community members for an evening reminiscent of a grand Venetian carnival. It was a night filled with glamour and high fashion, but als...