Get involved, trustee Li Preti says
- October, 2023

Get involved, trustee Li Preti says
By Sean Delaney
Toronto Catholic District School Board trustee Ida Li Preti spent the last week visiting all of her schools and speaking to the principals.
“I do it annually to understand what the priorities are of all the local school principals,” she said....
Li Preti wins another four trustee years
- December, 2022

By Sean Delaney
Ida Li Preti has been re-elected as the Toronto Catholic District School Board trustee for Ward 3, Humber River – Black Creek, and her first thoughts were, thank you.
“I first want to say thank you to the community,” she said. “I am deeply appreciative to get another mandate with...
Ida Li Preti reflects on race, and loss, to represent Humber River-Black Creek
- July, 2022

By Sean Delaney
Ida Li Preti said she ran on her passions and may run again in the future should the Ontario Liberals find theirs.
“I have a passion for public education and public healthcare, making sure seniors are getting taken care of, and investing in students and families,” she said. “We’ve ...
Ontario Election 2022
- June, 2022

Ontario Election 2022
The Emery Village Voice reached out to each of the political candidates from the four major parties.
Tom Rakocevic
Tom is running for re-election to be Humber River Black Creek’s member of provincial parliament again.
Emery Village is his home, having grown up in the a...
TCDSB trustee on a 2021 to remember
- January, 2022
By Sean Delaney
We sat down with Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) trustee Ida Li Preti this month and asked her for her thoughts on the year about to come to a close, and the 2022 that lies ahead of us.
EVV: Tell us your thoughts as the year comes to a close?
LP: I’m excited we were...
A message from TCDSB trustee – Ida Li Preti
- September, 2021

I hope that you and your family have enjoyed a safe and relaxing summer. We look forward to welcoming back our TCDSB students on September 9.
During the past several months, I have worked closely with our local community health care partners: Black Creek Community Health Center, Humber R...
Emery schools and leaders continue to be guided by public health advice
- October, 2020

By Matthew Strader
The second wave was all the talk during a summer dominated by news and updates on the coronavirus pandemic and how it would affect Ontario lives. Now, the second wave appears to be here, as Toronto and the GTA experiences an increase in infection rates while parents and fam...
Safety is our priority – school trustees
- September, 2020

By Varad Mehta
As the school year approaches, students will face several changes such as: Quadmester for secondary students, and wearing a mask where two metres of social distancing cannot be maintained.
Christopher Mammoliti, Ward 4 Toronto District School Board (TDSB) trustee, said the scho...
The North Islington seniors celebrate Christmas in style
- January, 2020

By Sean Delaney
It’s a very special time year and it brought another exceptional opportunity to enjoy a wonderful lunch with some of the seniors in Emery Village - The North Islington Seniors Club.
The ninth annual North Islington Seniors Club Christmas luncheon was held on Dec. 14 at the St.Ro...